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Concussion and Mild TBI Important Facts

1. A concussion is a brain injury and all are serious.

2. Most concussions occur without loss of consciousness.

3. Recognition and proper response to concussions when they first occur can help prevent further injury or even death.

4. Obtaining pre-injury baseline data on athletes who engage in contact sports can make sideline assessment more accurate.

Comprehensive Program

Balance Rehabilitation offers comprehensive concussion / mild traumatic brain injury baseline testing (pre-injury), assessment, and treatment (post-injury). Our comprehensive baseline testing and post-injury programs far surpasses current recommended standards. Our primary goal in the event of a concussion (TBI) is to prevent further injury and help the individual return to their desired level of function in a safe and effective manner. We stress the importance of a close working relationship with your medical doctor. We will communicate information that is helpful in the decision making process regarding return to play, sport, work, and other pre-injury activities. When specific issues are identified after an injury, we can help in the rehabilitation and recovery process. Our comprehensive concussion program utilizes some of the following tools in our Baseline Testing and Post-Injury Programs:

Potential Consequences of a Concussion

Concussions affect people differently. While most athletes with a concussion recover quickly and fully, some will have symptoms that last for days, or even weeks. A more serious concussion can last for months or longer. Not giving the brain enough recovery time after a concussion can be dangerous. A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain recovers from the first—usually within a short time period (hours, days, weeks)—can slow recovery or increase the chances for long-term problems. In rare cases, repeat concussions can result in brain swelling or permanent brain damage. It can even be fatal. Health care professionals may describe a concussion as a “mild” brain injury because concussions are usually not life-threatening. Even so, their effects can be serious.


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23832 Rockfield Blvd., Ste. 160

Lake Forest, CA 92630

Phone: 949-465-9500

Fax: 949-465-9506

Hours of Operation: 

Monday:       7am to 7pm 

Tuesday:       7am to 7pm 

Wednesday: 7am to 7pm

Thursday:     7am to 7pm

Friday:           7am to 1pm

Saturday:      Closed 

Sunday:        Closed


 © 2018 Balance Rehabilitation Inc.


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